Béatrice de Gourcuff analyses an aspect of gender equality in business and shares advice in a monthly podcast to be listened to without moderation. (Available in French only)

September 2021
Men and women: a common quest for meaning at work
Too often, in order to develop gender diversity and equality in the workplace, decision-makers ask themselves how to “help women”. Happy Men Share More believes that, except at the margins, this is not the issue and that only a universal approach to the needs and aspirations of men and women at work can generate real progress.

July 2021
Are stereotypes really a key to progress on gender equality?
One of the many interests of the issue of gender equality is that it is an opportunity to become aware of the weight of our representations on our behaviour. And to discover the cultural and anthropological wealth that governs our identities as men and women, at work and elsewhere. It is therefore a professional subject, certainly, but one that is particularly personally involving. For Happy Men Share More, the famous stereotypes about men and women are indeed a key to understanding discrimination, but not a magic wand, and we would be more effective if we questioned the objectively gendered norms that govern the functioning of the company.

June 2021
Why and how can the new paternity leave promote a better gender balance at work?
On 1 July, the duration of paternity leave will be doubled to 28 days instead of 14 days, with 7 compulsory days to be taken at the birth of the child. This measure, which was passed almost unanimously last October, is justified on the one hand by the desire to allow fathers to enjoy the first few days of their child’s life and on the other hand to promote equality between men and women.
This news is an opportunity for Happy Men Share More to look at the impact of parenthood on careers, for both men and women.

May 2021
Can we win the battle for gender equality without reducing the pressure on working time?
On 12 May this year, the National Assembly voted unanimously to validate the principle of quotas for women in corporate management bodies. The companies that will be really disturbed by this impending measure are those that have not been able to build up a sufficiently mixed pool of talent to make appointments on the basis of skills and suitability for the position of manager, rather than gender. Happy Men Share More focuses on a complex issue that accounts for much of the evaporation of female talent – the control of working hours.

March 2021
Do the leaders in my company make me want to become a leader myself ?
On 7 March this year, 41 leaders of major French groups published an article in the JDD in which they committed themselves to numerical targets for women in management bodies. In an open letter, available here as a podcast, Happy Men Share More questions them on the inclusiveness of their own way of exercising power.

February 2021
Presenteeism at work: where does it come from? How can we get rid of it?
Presenteeism is one of the cultural norms at work that explain the differences in access to responsibilities between men and women. It is a very French peculiarity and it is important to understand its cultural and psycho-social roots if we are to combat it effectively. Antoine de Gabrielli, founder of the Happy Men Share More network, links presenteeism to the very special relationship that the French have with their work.

January 2021
Professional equality: for or against quotas?
On 6 January 2021, Germany will introduce a quota for women on the executive boards of large companies. Is this something to be welcomed? Is it the best solution? In the light of the German history of equality, particularly challenging for us French, the first Happy Men Share More podcast of the year 2021 sheds light on the stakes and the limits of quotas.

November 2020
Women at work: integration or inclusion?
In order to advance gender equality, much attention has been paid to helping women adapt to the company without necessarily trying to adapt the company to women. This may well explain the slow progress. By shedding light on the notions of diversity and inclusion, Antoine de Gabrielli, founder of the Happy Men Share More network, will show us the importance of a systemic and universal approach, which genuinely seeks to facilitate access to employment and responsibilities for all.

What is glass flooring?
In this first podcast, Antoine de Gabrielli, Founder of the Happy Men Share More network, explains how current performance standards prevent those in positions of responsibility from having balanced access to their family and private spheres: the glass floor. The progress of gender equality in companies depends on the fight against the glass floor.

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